CBKidz starts again 13th Sep!
Football Xtra 2024
12th - 16th August 2024

Join us each evening for soccer drills and games, with refreshments and a bible talk at half time. Both boys and girls are welcome and the event is completely free.

Please register via the form below and remember to bring football boots and shin pads!

If after registering, you are no longer able to attend, please let us know so we can free up the space for others interested in coming.

For further information, please contact:
Eric Chambers on 07901 853703
or email [email protected]

Sign up here

Please fill in the form for each child you wish to register separately. This form needs to be filled out by a parent/guardian.

Child's Details

Your Details

Phone number(s) where I can be contacted in an emergency:
If unavailable, contact: