CBKidz starts again 13th Sep!


The apostle Paul wrote to the church in Corinth about a giving project to help a suffering church elsewhere. Even so far removed from that situation, we can take principles for our giving today. One principle is about the motivation for our giving; another about the manner of it.


For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich. (2 Cor 8.9 ESV)

Christian giving is always a response to the gospel. Jesus gave more than we could ever repay to clear our debt of sin and to put us into his infinite credit before God. God the Son gave up that richness of eternal loving union with the Father and the Spirit, being cut off, so that we who were utterly poor, far from God, could share the riches of restored relationship forever.


Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Cor 9.7 ESV)

Giving to support the work of the local church and mission for the growth of God’s kingdom is a great privilege. From this verse we see it’s a privilege to be shared (‘each one must give’); it’s to be intentional (‘as he has decided in his heart’); it’s to be willing and voluntary (‘not reluctantly or under compulsion’) and it’s to be cheerful, which is only possible in the light of what Jesus has given for us.


Our major expenditures as a church include employing a pastor, supporting mission partners, running different ministry activities, and operating and maintaining our building. There are different ways to give to support the life and work of Coleraine Baptist Church, including standing order and weekly giving envelopes. If you pay income tax, then your giving can be enhanced through Gift Aid, which allows us to reclaim the income tax you pay on the amount you give at no extra cost to you. For more details, see Alvin Rosborough or contact us. To set up regular giving to Coleraine Baptist Church see the details below.

By Bank Transfer
Sort Code: 950277
Account No: 91007254

By Cash
Please use the basket at the door

Your offering is very much appreciated.